18 May 2004

Wireless web reaches into paradise

Firstly, they miss the whole point of Maldives. People come here just to escape the world for a few days. They don't care whether US has pulled out from Iraq when they are having sun bath or swimming with dolphins, they don't care whether FTSE has gone up another 100 points- at least just for a few days. We have been there once and the only TV on the island broadcasts CNN news twice a day. It is not surprise that nobody cares to sit in the lobby.

Secondly, erect an antenna that ‘must taller than above the line of the palm trees’ is not going to do any good to promote the resort. The owners may want take a few photos reserved for postcard before the antenna has been installed.

The only valid bit is guests can ‘send electronic postcard to their friends and family in seconds’ instead of posts for weeks. But, I would rather prefer the post. You got the salty feeling of some real paper, hand-writing and stamps. That is a real piece of souvenir. An electronic postcard in seconds is just some show-off.

Technically possible doesn’t mean you should do it.

I hope they will fail and leave a paradise as it named.

Read more Wireless web reaches into paradise

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