19 March 2004

Bits and bobs on authoring Web Control

1. Default Tag Prefix.
By defalt VS.NET assign 'cc1'at run time (when the control is dropped to designer canvas). You can assign a different one by modifying AssemblyInfo.cs of the WebControl. Add following lines

using System.Web.UI;

leads to

[assembly: TagPrefixAttribute("JingyeLuo.IEWebControls", "luo")]

now 'luo' is used instead of 'cc1'

2. Associating custom bitmap with a web control
This will be the bitmap display in the Toolbox for a control
1) Create a 16x16 bitmap of 16 color and set its Build Action to Embedded Resource.
2) Add the ToolboxBitmap to the control class:

public class ExpandablePanel :

I have a bitmap called JingyeLuo.IEWebControls.ExpandablePanel.bmp and located in the folder 'Resources', the name is deliberated -if the bitmap is located at the same place of the control-there is no need for 2nd parameter:

public class ExpandablePanel :