09 September 2005

XML extensibility, xsi:type, XmlSerializer and configuration (or how to leverage XmlSerializer + OO extensibility)

Daniel Cazzulino got this smashing discussion on XML extensibility, xsi:type, XmlSerializer and configuration (or how to leverage XmlSerializer + OO extensibility): "XmlSerializer ser = new XmlSerializer( typeof( People ), new Type[] { typeof( Employee ) } );"

To sum up, this is a pattern on leverage OO inheritance and XML extensibility.

We want to produce a schema like this (sample data)

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16" ?>
<Products xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
<Vehicle xsi:type="Car" Price="20000" Fuel="Petrol" Chassis="Saloon">
<Comfort>Climate Control, CD</Comfort>
<Safe>ABS, Twin Airbage</safe>
<Vehicle xsi:type="Tractor" Price="22000" Fuel="Diesel">
<Brand>Famer's Friend</Brand>

the scehma:

namespace ClassLibrary1
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.Serialization;

[XmlRootAttribute(Namespace="http://whatever.com/example/DataTypes.xsd", IsNullable=false)]
public class Products
[XmlElement("Vehicle", typeof(Vehicle))]
public Vehicle[] Item;

public class Vehicle
/// <summary>retail price</summary>
public virtual double Price
get { return _price; }
set { _price = value; }
}double _price;

/// <summary>Fuel Type</summary>
public virtual string Fuel
get { return _fuel; }
set { _fuel = value; }
}string _fuel;

/// <summary>Vihicle Identifer Number</summary>
public virtual string Vin
get { return _vin;}
set { _vin = value;}
}string _vin;

/// <summary>Vihicle brand name</summary>
public virtual string Brand
get { return _brand;}
set { _brand = value;}
}string _brand;

// make the Record xml schema extensible
public XmlElement[] AllElements;

public XmlAttribute[] AllAttributes;

[XmlTypeAttribute(Namespace="http://whatever.com/example/DataTypes.xsd" )]
public class Car : Vehicle
public string Chassis;
/// <summary>Vihicle brand name</summary>

public virtual string ComfortPack
get { return _comfortPack;}
set { _comfortPack = value;}
}string _comfortPack;

/// <summary>Vihicle brand name</summary>

public virtual string SaftyDevice
get { return _saftyDevice; }
set { _saftyDevice = value; }
}string _saftyDevice;

public class Tractor : Vehicle
/// <summary>field tools included</summary>
public virtual string FieldTools
get { return _fieldTools; }
set { _fieldTools = value; }
}string _fieldTools;

Now to serialize the following object, I created a Nunit Test case to run it, very handy.

using System;
using NUnit.Framework;

namespace ClassLibrary1 {
using System.IO;
using System.Xml;
using System.Xml.Serialization;

public class TestClass1 {

public void SetUp() {}

public void TearDown() {}

[Test] public void Test()
Car car1 = new Car();
car1.Chassis = "Saloon";
car1.ComfortPack = "Climate Control, CD";
car1.SaftyDevice = "ABS, Twin Airbage";
car1.Brand = "AUDI";
car1.Fuel = "Petrol";
car1.Price = 20000.00;
car1.Vin = "070121SD1T69079YFW";

Tractor tractor1 = new Tractor();
tractor1.Brand = "Famer's Friend";
tractor1.FieldTools = "Wrench";
tractor1.Fuel = "Diesel";
tractor1.Price = 22000;
tractor1.Vin = "01211334SD9079YFW";

Products p = new Products();
p.Item = new Vehicle[] {car1, tractor1} ;

//The most critical step, add the extended type to schema, so serializer knows what to to do
XmlSerializer serializer = new XmlSerializer( typeof( Products ), new Type[] {typeof(Car), typeof(Tractor)} );
StringWriter writer = new StringWriter();

serializer.Serialize(writer, p);
XmlDocument actual = new XmlDocument();

This should produce the sample data as shown above.

Question: what are AllElements, AllAttributes in Vichicle class for?

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